
C-Section Recovery: How to Heal Well After a Belly Birth
Many of the beautiful mamas I’ve supported over the last few years gave birth via a c-section.
In this blog article, I’ll walk you through the 4 principle elements that I usually recommend in my postpartum doula practice for mamas who’ve had a belly birth.
New Mom Burnout: Understanding and Overcoming Postnatal Depletion
Did you know that postnatal depletion is a real thing that can affect many mothers for up to 10 years after childbirth?
In this blog article, I’m taking a closer look at what postnatal depletion is, how it occurs and what you can do about it.

Baby’s Witching Hour: Survival Strategies for Tired Parents
Why is the witching hour so hard? What is happening to newborn babies that makes them struggle in the evening hours? And which concrete steps can parents do to make it easier for their newborn (and regulate their own nervous systems) in the process?
In this blog article, I’ll walk you through the infamous ‘witching hour’ and provide practical solutions for how to get through it. You got this!

Should I Wrap My Postpartum Belly? Belly Binding Explained in a Nutshell
What is belly binding? Do I have to wrap my postpartum belly? How can it help with recovery after giving birth? And how do I bind my belly safely?
In my new blog, I’m sharing some guidance around the ancient practice of belly binding and why it may be worth considering as one of your postpartum healing tools.

The First Few Days: What to Expect After Birth
What can we really expect from the first few days after childbirth? How does early postpartum manifest for mother and baby? And what do we need to know to approach the fourth trimester with more confidence and ease?
In this blog, I’m talking about some of the topics that new parents most commonly ask me about, including bleeding after birth, baby sleep, and the infamous second night syndrome!

Best Postpartum Foods: How to Eat after Childbirth
Which postpartum foods help us meet our nutritional needs after childbirth? What do we need to eat to promote healing and recovery? And which foods should we avoid?
In this blog article, I’m sharing my favorite tips and best postpartum foods for optimizing your postpartum nutrition.

The #1 Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Transition to Motherhood
What can we do to prepare for new parenthood? How can soon-to-be mothers ease their transition to motherhood as early as in pregnancy?
In this blog, I’m looking at where our ‘modern society’ tends to fail us in preparing for our baby’s arrival. In tapping into traditions from around the world, I’m sharing concrete strategies that will help make your transition to becoming a parent smoother, leaving you feel more supported as you embark on your greatest adventure yet.

How to Calm a Fussy Baby: 6 Foolproof Tips for New Parents
As new parents, how can we support our babies through extended periods of fussiness? What really works when our little ones seem unhappy and just can’t seem to be consoled?
In this blog, I’m tapping into my experience as mama and postpartum doula to share some foolproof strategies (and a bonus tip!) for calming a fussy baby: ruling out basic needs, incorporating movement, skin to skin, adding water, switching things up and getting outside.

Baby Sleep 101: The Truth About Co-Sleeping & Bed-Sharing
What does it mean to co-sleep or bed-share with your baby? Is there a way to co-sleep safely? And why is it considered controversial or dangerous by so many pediatricians and pediatric associations?
In this blog, I’m debunking the myths around safe baby sleep and sharing 7 guiding principles to make co-sleeping as safe as possible, should your family decide to try it out.

10 Common Postpartum Body Changes After Birth
What are some of the changes that our bodies go through after giving birth? What can we do to help our postpartum bodies heal and recover?
In this blog, I’m walking you through 10 common postpartum body changes: Constipation, hormonal changes, diastasis recti, engorged breasts, incontinence, postpartum bleeding, night sweats, postpartum hair loss, uterine cramping and perineal sensitivity.

10 Postpartum Self-Care Tips for New Mothers
How can new mothers include self-care practices into their postpartum routine? What are some practical tips that can make a positive difference during the fourth trimester?
In today’s article, I'm sharing my top 10 favourites in terms of postpartum self-care tips for new mothers: 1. Be kind to yourself 2. Practice letting go 3. Ask for help 4. Ditch your to-do list and replace it with a “ta-da” list …

7 Common Breastfeeding Challenges & How to Overcome Them
What are some of the most common breastfeeding challenges? How can we overcome them? As a breastfeeding mama to a toddler and recently trained breastfeeding support godmother, I have gathered 7 common breastfeeding challenges:
1. Not enough breastmilk 2. Engorged breasts 3. Painful or damaged/cracked nipples 4. Clogged milk ducts 5. Mastitis 6. Milk ejection reflex (strong let-down reflex) 7. Not enough support.

How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum
What is the pelvic floor? Why does it play an important role throughout pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum? And how can we strengthen our pelvic floor muscles effectively? In this blog, I’m going to take a look at one of the most underestimated regions in our body: the pelvic floor.

15 Montreal Resources for Pregnant Women and New Moms
As a new mother and postpartum doula, I have come across my fair share of wonderful Montreal-based businesses and resources for pregnant women and new mothers. In this post, I have gathered my personal 15 favourites in terms of classes, wellness, breastfeeding, holistic health care, clothing and more. Happy browsing!