
10 Common Postpartum Body Changes After Birth
What are some of the changes that our bodies go through after giving birth? What can we do to help our postpartum bodies heal and recover?
In this blog, I’m walking you through 10 common postpartum body changes: Constipation, hormonal changes, diastasis recti, engorged breasts, incontinence, postpartum bleeding, night sweats, postpartum hair loss, uterine cramping and perineal sensitivity.

7 Common Breastfeeding Challenges & How to Overcome Them
What are some of the most common breastfeeding challenges? How can we overcome them? As a breastfeeding mama to a toddler and recently trained breastfeeding support godmother, I have gathered 7 common breastfeeding challenges:
1. Not enough breastmilk 2. Engorged breasts 3. Painful or damaged/cracked nipples 4. Clogged milk ducts 5. Mastitis 6. Milk ejection reflex (strong let-down reflex) 7. Not enough support.