
C-Section Recovery: How to Heal Well After a Belly Birth
Many of the beautiful mamas I’ve supported over the last few years gave birth via a c-section.
In this blog article, I’ll walk you through the 4 principle elements that I usually recommend in my postpartum doula practice for mamas who’ve had a belly birth.

The First Few Days: What to Expect After Birth
What can we really expect from the first few days after childbirth? How does early postpartum manifest for mother and baby? And what do we need to know to approach the fourth trimester with more confidence and ease?
In this blog, I’m talking about some of the topics that new parents most commonly ask me about, including bleeding after birth, baby sleep, and the infamous second night syndrome!

7 Common Breastfeeding Challenges & How to Overcome Them
What are some of the most common breastfeeding challenges? How can we overcome them? As a breastfeeding mama to a toddler and recently trained breastfeeding support godmother, I have gathered 7 common breastfeeding challenges:
1. Not enough breastmilk 2. Engorged breasts 3. Painful or damaged/cracked nipples 4. Clogged milk ducts 5. Mastitis 6. Milk ejection reflex (strong let-down reflex) 7. Not enough support.